Publications and awards
In the past I regularly participated in photo competitions, both local, national and international photo salons. It is very nice to see that my photos were regularly awarded. My images are also being published in magazines, news papers, websites, books, .... Here is an overview of the most important publications and awards in photo contests.
Hageland Expres

On May 13, 2023, a lovely article appeared on the website Hageland Expres with an interview about my second series of night photos of the Hageland. Here I briefly explain how I go about choosing locations and lighting them with lamps and flashes.
Daily Star

On May 4, 2023, a collage of my photos of some little owls appeared in the British newspaper the Daily Star.
ROB tv

At the end of July 2020, the peak time was to see Comet NEOWISE with its luminous tail in the starry sky. I then went to the Maagdentoren in our city Scherpenheuvel-Zichem to take some pictures. I tried to illuminate the tower in different ways with a pocket and LED lamp. Now we will have to wait 6,800 years until we can observe the comet again. A day later my images were shown during the news on the regional television station ROB tv.
Vlaanderen Vakantieland

In June 2020, Vlaanderen Vakantieland (Flemish Tourist organisation) launched a campaign to promote tourism in Flanders again with the title 'We missed you' and the hashtag #welcomeback. They used a series of beautiful images, including one of me from the castle of Horst
Viajes National Geographic

In July 2019, a nice article about Madagascar was published in the Viajes (Travel) magazine of National Geographic in Spain that included a photo of mine. I took this photo of a ring-tailed lemur with a baby on her back in 2014 in Isalo National Park in southern Madagascar.
National Geographic finalist

Photo contest
My photo of the Saint Joseph chapel in Sint-Pieters-Rode in the snow was one of the finalists of the prestigious National Geographic photo contest 2018 in October 2018.

Photo contest
In the international WildlifePhoto contest 2017 (organized by the famous wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas) two of my photos were shortlisted and finally my photo of Altai Mountains was selected as runner-up (2nd or 3th place). Even my photo of the sunrise at the heathland in Lommel was highly commended. Both photos will be displayed on a large outdoor screen in New York in March 2018.
The Traveller - Mongolia

The epic expanse of Mongolia's landscape is the cover theme of The Traveler issue 81, a Brazilian luxury travel magazine. Mongolia is a destination yet to be discovered by Brazilians. The magazine features a travelogue by journalist Zeca Camargo with photos made by me.
WWF - Photo book

The newest WWF book 'Beeldverhalen' is available in the bookstores since this week and offers you the most amazing and unique photographs from nature. Every year the World Wildlife Fund organizes a photo competition together with Frans Lanting. Out of the 13,000 photos submitted, the 170 best were selected. Three of my photographs are also published in this book.
Nature in Limburg

Photo contest
In November 2017 I was invited to the opening of the photo salon of photo club Renovat in Sint-Truiden and the proclamation of the photo contest 'Nature in Limburg'. It turned out that I won the first prize of this contest with my photo of the Blekerheide in Lommel. Thanks Limburg province and photo club Renovat for the great price!
Nature Photographer of the Year

Photo contest
In November 2017 my photo of a “Funny sifaka” was one of the finalists and finally highly commended (top 5) in the category Comedy in the international photo contest Nature Photographer of the Year 2017. The photos of the finalists were exposed during the Nature Talks Photo Festival in Ede (Netherlands) on November 11th and 12th. Afterwards these images will be exposed in several museums, public places and companies.
National Geographic calendar

The new National Geographic block calendar for 2018 has been released. The National Geographic editors gave a photo assignment each month and asked the enthusiastic Flemish and Dutch photographers to submit their images and 365 images have been selected for the calendar. The result is a versatile palette of beautiful images, from places around the world, special people and impressive natural phenomena. I am very pleased that 7 of my photos were selected.

Photo contest
Publication of my photo 'Castelo Branco' in the luxury photo book of the prestigious international photo contest Trierenberg from Austria. Around 40 000 photographs were submitted. I photographed the tower of the Castelo Branco at the end of the blue hour with some fog at the high hilltop. I used some flash lights to illuminate the insides of the tower. The Miradouro do Castelo Branco is a viewpoint at the main island São Miguel of the Azores.
AA Traveller magazine

In the June issue of the South African AA Traveler magazine one of my photos was published. For the cover photo of the 'hiking heaven's edge' article, they used my picture of a sunset in the Simien Mountains. The article tells about the breathtaking and unique landscapes in the Simien Mountains in Ethiopia and the rare gelada baboons that live there.
Exhibition Lens op de Mens

Photo contest
During the summer of 2017 the Cultural Centre of Palethe organizes the first edition of a two-yearly international photo festival ‘Lens op de mens’ (Spotlight on people) in Overpelt (Belgium). More than 250 professional and keen amateur photographers from around the world entered their photos. I also entered the contest with one photo of an eagle hunter in the Altay Mounains in Mongolia. This photo was selected to be shown in the exhibition. You can visit this exhibition in the streets of Overpelt-Centre starting from Sunday 18 June until the end of August 2017.
Joker photo contest

Photo contest
The Belgian travel agency Joker organizes a photo contest every year. A lot of beautiful travel photos were submitted in 2016. A public prize was awarded and the jury selected 7 of the best photos. I received the first price with my photograph of a chameleon catching an insect in Madagascar.
WWF - Book World Nature

In December the newest book of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been released. 'World Nature' shows the very best nature photos by 2016. The WWF organizes an annual photo competition together with Frans Lanting, one of the most famous nature photographers in the world. More than ten thousand (11,500 this year) photos were judged and the 170 best ones were selected. Also one of my photos has been selected. On page 42-43, the image of a giant chameleon catching a bug can be found.
Cockchafer in Landscape magazine

Photo contest
In the June issue of the beautiful magazine of Landscape association one of my macro photos of a cockchafer was published. The quarterly magazine has a circulation of 6200 copies.
Funny sifaka photos

Photo contest
Publication of my photos of a funny sifaka at the website of online edition of The Daily Mail and The Telegraph (UK). The Daily Mail Online has over 11 million visitors daily. We encountered a very curious and funny sifaka in southern Madagasar. He posed for my camera in a variety of incredible and hilarious poses.
Joker brochure 2016

Photo contest
For many years the travel agency Joker publishes some of my photos in their brochures and on their website. In the brochure of 2016 they offer a new trip to Zambia and they have used two of my recent photos.
Natuurpunt Limburg

Photo contest
Second place in the category of 'landscape with human influence ' in the photo contest of Natuurpunt Limburg (Belgium) with a photo of the German military cemetery in Lommel on a cold winter morning.
Belgian newspaper Nieuwsblad

On October 2nd the Belgian newspaper 'Het Nieuwsblad' published a nice article in the paper and digital edition about my seven photos that have been published in the block calendar of National Geographic 2016.
Belgian newspaper dS

On October 1st the Belgian newspaper 'De Standaard' published a great article about my photography and journeys and the seven pictures that have been published in the block calendar of National Geographic.
Belgian newspaper BvL

On September 5th the Belgian newspaper 'Het Belang van Limburg' published a very nice article (in Dutch) about my photography and the appearance of my seven pictures in the calendar of National Geographic. The newspaper has more than 100,000 readers.
Tourism Lommel and InternetGazet

Photo contest
In the summer of 2015 the tourism department of the city of Lommel and the Internet Gazet (=newspaper) organized a photo contest titled 'Lommel, the warmest location’. In this competition I won the 2nd and 5th prize with a photo of a sunrise at the heathland and a couple of kingfishers.
National Geographic calendar

The beautiful National Geographic block calendar 2016 has been released and available for sale. This time they collected the most beautiful images from amateur photographers. I am very delighted that 7 of my photos are included. And even more, they published a mini-interview with me and used two of my photos in a promotional article for it.
Natuurpunt Limburg magazine

Some landscape photos of the sunrise at the blooming heathland are published in the July edition of the magazine of Natuurpunt Limburg (Belgium) (+7000 readers)
Digital Photographer magazine

Cover photo of a hummingbird in the Digital Photographer Magazine, a popular magazine for enthusiastic to semi-pro shooters in the UK. The magazine is also distributed in many other countries. I photographed this flying male green violetear in the cloud forest in Costa Rica.

Photo contest
Second placein the category ' black and white ' with this portrait of a Samburu warrior in Kenya in the photo contest of the VLF, the association of all photo clubs of Limburg (Belgium)
Ethiopian Airlines magazine

Publication of several photos in Selamta, the Ethiopian Airlines flight magazine. My pictures illustrate a fascinating article about the wonderful Hudad lodge in the mountains near the town of Lalibela in Ethiopia

Photo contest
This photo of a Mursi woman in southern Ethiopia was awared with the 3th place in category 'Travel' in international photo contest in the Netherlands. 5 of my photos have been published in the catalogue of this photographic salon
The Daily Mail Online

Publication of my article with accompanying photos of a tiger attack in India at the website of online edition of The Daily Mail (UK). The Daily Mail Online has over 11 million visitors daily. I shot these unique wildlife photos of a tiger at Tadoba national park in central India.
Toerisme Limburg

My photo of the sunrise at the heathland in my hometown Lommel was elected as one of the favorite places in the cycling paradise of Limburg
Shut Your Aperture

Publication of a small article and a series of photos of the Kazakh Eagle Hunters at the website, a great website for photographers and photo art lovers. I went to the Altay mountains in Mongolia to photograph the fascinating people that still practice the old Kazakh tradition of hunting with trained golden eagles.
The Times, The Daily Mail, ...

Publications in The Times (UK), The Daily Mail Online (UK) and some French and German websites of an article with photos of the Kazakh Golden Eagle Hunters in the remote Altay mountains in Mongolia
De Ridder, VRT

This action photo of a whale was used on a postcard that appeared in the TV series 'De Ridder' on Belgium television. I photographed this breaching humback whale in the waters of the Johnstone Strait near Vancouver Island in Canada.
BFF - Natuur photography

Photo contest
5th place in the national Nature Photography contest of the BFF, the association of Belgium photographers. This photo of a cheetah was made in Samburu national park in Kenya.
Zonder Lensdop magazine

Publication of my article and photos about the lmuget ceremonies of Samburu tribe in Kenya in the magazine of VLF (Belgium). In Kenya I was able to witness these lmuget ceremonies where young men become warriors (moran) and the older morans become mzee. It was a unique and fantastic experience that is still rarely attended by Westerners.

Photo contest
5th place in the photo contest of the travel organisation Joker (Belgium). This is a photo of an orthodox priest in one of the famous rock churches of Lalibela in Ethiopa.
Al Thani

Photo contest
Publication of a portrait photo of a Mursi woman in Southern Ethiopia in the book of prestigious international photo contest Al Thani from Qatar. This photo was one of the 170 wonderful photos in this high quality photo book. The contest had as many as 66.000 entries.

Photo contest
Golden medal in the category 'black and white' in provincial photo salon of VLF, the association of all photo clubs in Limburg (Belgium)
Volvo XC Travels website

Publication of two of my photos of the Karhunkierros hiking trail in Finland at the international XC Travels website of Volvo

Photo contest
Publication of a portrait photo in the book of prestigious international photo contest Trierenberg from Austria. There were 35000 entries from all over the world. I photographed this girl of the Tsemay tribe in a small village in southern Ethiopia.

Photo contest
3th place in category 'black and white' in provincial photo salon of VLF (Belgium). This photo of a mother with her baby was made at a market in a small village in Ecuador.
Al Thani

Photo contest
Publication in electronic book of international photo contest Al Thani from Qatar. I took this photo of a bedouin desert policeman in traditional uniform with red and white shemag and a belt with a dagger and bullets in the ancient city of Petra in Jordan

These photos of the blue sinai lizard have been used at the information boards in the ancient city of Petra in Jordan
Benelux photo salon

Photo contest
First place in the Benelux (Belgium / Netherlands / Luxemburg) contest organised by Imago Hamme

Photo contest
Publication of my photo of a Himba girl in the luxury photo book of the prestigious international photo contest Trierenberg from Austria. Around 36 000 photographs were submitted. The 500 best photos were published in the high-quality photo book.

Photo contest
3th place in the photo contest of the travel organisation Joker (Belgium). This photo of a young Himba girl was made in northern Namibia
Natuurpunt Limburg

Photo contest
First place in category 'fauna and flora' in the photo contest of Natuurpunt Limburg (Belgium) with a macro photo of a male banded bemoiselle
Novel 'Beste reiziger'

Photo of a puffin at the cover of the fascinating novel 'Beste reiziger/Dear traveler' of the Dutch writer Philibert Schogt
Travel around the world - Tanzania

Article with pictures about my safari in Tanzania and the climb of the Kilimanjaro on the Dutch website ' Travel around the world'