

Ulgii - Golden Eagle Festival - Shyrga tartu During one of the competitions, called ‘shyrga tartu’, each golden eagle is released from the top of the mountain and it has to catch a rabbit skin that is dragged behind the horse of the eagle hunter as fast as possible. The eagle and hunter are communicating and crying to each other.  If everything goes well the audience gives a big applause, but if the eagle hesitates or misses, then sometimes there sounds laughter. Stefan Cruysberghs
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Ulgii - Golden Eagle Festival - Shyrga tartu (Mongolia)

During one of the competitions, called ‘shyrga tartu’, each golden eagle is released from the top of the mountain and it has to catch a rabbit skin that is dragged behind the horse of the eagle hunter as fast as possible. The eagle and hunter are communicating and crying to each other. If everything goes well the audience gives a big applause, but if the eagle hesitates or misses, then sometimes there sounds laughter.

, Stefan Cruysberghs, Nikon D600 + Sigma 50-500m, Request high resolution photo Mongolia, Mongolië, Azië, Asia, Altai, Altay, Ulgii, Olgii, Kazakh, Kazaks, Kazakken, Eagle hunter, Arendjager, Berkutchi, Kusbegi, Kushbegi, Qusbegi, Berkut, Steenarend, Golden eagle, Golden Eagle Festival, adelaarjager, Arendfestival