

Tadoba - Tiger attack As she cautiously makes her way through the shallows, she keeps a watchful eye on the deer to ensure that none of them turn round. Each time the 3 deers bent their head for drinking the tigress cautiously swum closer by. After 5 minutes when she had approached the deers at a distance of about 12 meters she started her ultimate attack. <br />
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At that time she was called P2 but a naturalist guide in Kabini told me recently that this tigress is now called Maya and she is the reigning queen of Pandharpauni. She had 2 cubs in 2013 and 3 cubs in 2015. Stefan Cruysberghs
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Tadoba - Tiger attack (India)

As she cautiously makes her way through the shallows, she keeps a watchful eye on the deer to ensure that none of them turn round. Each time the 3 deers bent their head for drinking the tigress cautiously swum closer by. After 5 minutes when she had approached the deers at a distance of about 12 meters she started her ultimate attack.

At that time she was called P2 but a naturalist guide in Kabini told me recently that this tigress is now called Maya and she is the reigning queen of Pandharpauni. She had 2 cubs in 2013 and 3 cubs in 2015.

, Stefan Cruysberghs, Nikon D600, Request high resolution photo India, Indië, Maharashtra, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, Tadoba, TATR, Tiger, Tigress, Tijger, Tijgerin, Bengaalse tijger, Bengal tiger, Wild, Wildlife, National Park, Panchdhara, Maya, Attack, Aanval