
Google Geocoder

Version 1.1
December 2008
.NET 3.5
open source

The ScipBe.Common.Geocoding namespace contains the GoogleGeoCoder class. This class uses the Google Maps Geocoding HTTP REST service to retrieve geographical data like the latitude and longitude of a given address.

Check out one of my articles where I describe the implementation of this GoogleGeoCoder class.

Class diagram:


C# examples:

GoogleGeoCoder geoCoder = new GoogleGeoCoder("A Google Maps API key");
IGeoData geoData = geoCoder.GetGeoData("Street City Country");
if (geoData.Status == GeoStatusCode.Success)
  Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", geoData.Coordinate.Longitude, geoData.Coordinate.Latitude);
GoogleGeoCoder geoCoder = new GoogleGeoCoder("A Google Maps API key");
IGeoData geoData = geoCoder.GetGeoData("Street City Country");
if (geoData.Status == GeoStatusCode.Success)
  Console.WriteLine("Address = {0}", geoData.Address);
  Console.WriteLine("Thoroughfare = {0}", geoData.ThoroughfareName);
  Console.WriteLine("Locality = {0}", geoData.DependentLocalityName);
  Console.WriteLine("Administrative area = {0}", geoData.AdministrativeAreaName);
  Console.WriteLine("Country = {0}", geoData.CountryNameCode);
  Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", geoData.Coordinate.Longitude, geoData.Coordinate.Latitude);
GoogleGeoCoder geoCoder = new GoogleGeoCoder("A Google Maps API key");
geoCoder.GeoListCompleted += new GeoListCompletedEventHandler(geoCoder_GeoListCompleted);
geoCoder.GetGeoListAsync("Street City Country");
void geoCoder_GeoListCompleted(object sender, IEnumerable<IGeoData> geoList)
  if ((geoList.Count() > 0) && (geoList.First().Status == GeoStatusCode.Success))
    foreach (var geoData in geoList)
      Console.WriteLine("Address = {0}", geoData.Address);
      Console.WriteLine("Country = {0}", geoData.CountryNameCode);
      Console.WriteLine("Coordinates = {0}:{1}", geoData.Coordinate.Longitude, geoData.Coordinate.Latitude);


Copyrights and distribution

  • These components are open source (Mozilla Public License 1.1) and may be freely distributed.
  • The author doesn't give a warranty for error free running of these components and he doesn't give any support.
  • See source code and help file for more information about the classes, interfaces, properties, methods, events, ...


Google Geocoder
  • Contents: Components with sources and help file (C#, .NET 3.5, Visual Studio 2008)
  • Version: 1.1 (2008-12-20)
  • File size: 75.82 Kb
  • Author: Stefan Cruysberghs
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